Dear Friends and Relatives: Christmas
“Hey, Mabel, which
of your weirdo friends is sending us this garbage from Norway?” Yes, that’s the cheery phrase being heard all
across the world this festive season as millions spy the long-awaited 19th Almost-Always-Annual
Paukert Christmas Letter lying in their mailboxes. And with that, PCL Industries sends out a
hearty ‘congratulations’ to Mrs. Bernice Thorndyke of Stilton-on-Fen, Leeds,
U.K. who is the winner of our ‘What Country Will the Paukerts Move to Next?’
contest. Bernice’s guess of ‘Botswana’ was the closest guess received, just beating
out Mr. Marvin Snelnick of Fester, Alabama
who guessed ‘Mars.’
However, as pleased
as we are to present this year’s letter, we at PCL industries would like to
apologize for the recent deterioration in its quality. This decline came to our attention last month
when Katherine decided to read through the entire PCL archive and reported ‘you
know Dad, these used to be kinda funny, but the last few years have really
stunk.’ Because we at PCLI value your
patronage so highly we took the unprecedented and costly step of hiring the
consulting firm Slackov, Billum & Runn for a full audit, which identified
an appalling 72% drop in humour and 93% drop in interesting anecdotes over the
last 5 years alone. We have therefore
included in this mailing a special CD which when installed on your computer
will greatly enhance your Paukert Christmas Letter experience. Please follow these instructions: 1)
Place this copy of the PCL face down on your flatbed scanner. 2) Insert the CD containing the PCL-enhancement
software in your CD drive. 3)
Reboot your computer. 4)
When asked ‘Do you really want to
install this moronic drivel?’ click on ‘Oh,
if I must.’ 5) Reboot your computer
twice. 6) When asked, enter the
password ‘Trivial’ and the user I.D. ‘Boring.’ 7) Click on the box ‘Crash computer at random intervals for no apparent reason’ and hit
‘Enter.’ 8) Reboot your computer three times while
reciting the alphabet backwards. 9)
When asked to ‘Install
Abode_Explorer_SysDump/FlashExecution.dll Proliferator’ click on the box
that says ‘What the heck does that do?’ 10) Your computer will now freeze up. 11)
Go ask your 10-year-old son for help.
Many of you may not
know much about Norway,
our new home, so let me help you out by sharing some of my geographic and
historical expertise. Norway (or Scandahoovia, its
official title) is a country located so far north that 78% of the country has
never seen the sun. One primitive
Norwegian tribe has 39 different words for drizzle but no word equivalent for
‘sunshine.’ Norway
was discovered and settled in the mid-10th century by seafaring
farmers from Minnesota
wearing purple football helmets called ‘Vikings.’ This practical headgear evolved over time to
become the familiar horned helmets worn annually during the pillage of Europe and/or opera season. Norway’s most famous export is it’s
‘fjords’ which are a type of fish not unlike herring. ‘Norway’ is actually an ancient
Latin word meaning ‘Stop calling me Swedish or I’ll hit you.’ The capital of Norway
is just outside of Fargo, North Dakota. Interesting little-known fact: There are actually no blondes in Norway; the
light-coloured hair is an optical illusion caused by the low angle of the suns
rays at this latitude.
vi telle du alle godt ting på Nordland: Housing: The houses in Norway
are brightly painted wood - a nice change from the drab granite we had in Aberdeen. Inside, the style is ‘Early IKEA Faux Cabin’
with wooden stairs, floors, gabled ceilings and plumbing. We live in Sandnes, a 60,000-person satellite
of Stavanger,
which has 110,000 people. Our house is
up on a ridge with a nice view of the fjord below. At least that’s what we’ve been told – we’re
still waiting for the fog to lift so we can confirm this. Cars: Cars cost three times what they cost in America. Gasoline is US$6.60 per US gallon and
you are electronically charged a toll every time you enter the city by
road. My commuter car of choice is a
stylish 1988 (yes ’88 – as in 2nd Reagan Administration) Mercedes
190E which I bought for $3,000. It has a
mere ¼-million kilometers on the odometer.
has an amazing road tunnel system due to the fjords and mountains. Some are 25km-long and plunge 230m below sea
level! There is a bizarre traffic rule
that requires you to yield to traffic entering from the right on all but
arterials. The drunk-driving laws are so
strict here that people driving to work in the morning often fail the
breathalyzer test if they’ve had more than a couple drinks the night before,
(the fine is 1-1/2 months salary). Prices: Oslo (and therefore Stavanger)
recently passed Tokyo
as the most expensive place to live on the planet. This is why we are currently living in a
large cardboard box underneath a railway bridge. But on the bright side, all the stores are
closed on Sundays and weeknights, so there’s not much opportunity to buy all
those things you can’t afford anyway. Language: Barb and I both take ‘Norskkurs’ at my
office. This may be the single biggest
waste of time either of us has ever participated in because EVERYONE here is
completely fluent in English and NO ONE wants to listen to us struggle to
communicate in Norsk. But it started out
quite fun – the first 10 hours are an intense immersion process where you do
nothing but watch old Muppet Show
reruns in order to learn to talk in a sing-songy voice like the Swedish
Chef….’Erka versa tingy-moosy mork mork mork!’
Food: Let’s put it this way: When was the last time you went out for
Norwegian? I think I’ve made my
point. Nobody moves to Norway for the
food. Lots of unidentifiable protein
sources preserved in the traditional way with massive quantities of salt or
lye. Mmmm, lye. Yummy!
Not only that, but there is a disquieting scarcity of junk food here, and
the ever-lurking danger of ingesting lutefisk
by mistake. However, I am learning to
just love a good pepper-baked salmon and believe it or not we enjoy reindeer
steak quite regularly. Weather: The yearly rainfall numbers say it all – Denver 15”, Aberdeen 30”, Stavanger 50”. Bergen,
200 miles north of us, is the Seasonal Affective Disorder capital of the
world. I think the phrase that best
conjures up a feeling for the beauty and charm of the climate here is ‘wind
driving sleet against your window throughout the 20-hour winter night.’
What’s Gary been doing? Well my work team at Talisman actually moved
from Aberdeen to Stavanger way back in February, but in order
to keep Katherine from splitting another year between two schools, my boss was
kind (?) enough to allow me to commute back and forth for 6 months. That meant two nights a week away from home,
driving left-side to the airport and right-side to the office, sharing a flat
with a Swedish geologist and spending WAY too much time wondering what happens
to a twin-prop airplane if its engines stop while 20,000 feet above the cold
North Sea. Surprisingly, this lifestyle
got old after, oh, maybe a week. So it
was a relief to completely dismantle and reassemble our lives again come
August. I still confidently tell the
company where to set the big drilling rigs down in the 100m-deep water to poke
a $35million, 4000m-deep holes in the seafloor.
And they still believe that someday we’ll find some oil that way. Our office is a really neat location, right
on the harbour with a marina out back.
Other than that, I’m living a pretty quiet life here. No exhausting involvement in important
efforts. My greatest contribution to the
world right now is being Webmaster of the church webpage.
But Barb, now
there’s a lady living la Vida Loca! She
hit the ground running on this expat lifestyle and has never looked back. She learned early on about cheap airfares and
sharing hotels with other expat ladies, and has been running around Europe again this year doing….well I’m afraid to even
open the newspaper. This year she went
to Rome and Tuscany
one long weekend, and then in November went to Istanbul of all places! It’s not easy figuring out the city recycling
scheme or food labels when it’s all in Norwegian, but so far she’s managed to
avoid mistakenly serving us rat poison instead of macaroni. She has taken up playing Mah Jongg, (which as
we all know just leads to the evils of Pinochle) and has a whole tool belt of roles
at church – Praise team, Greeter and acting in the Christmas play.
Katherine complains
often about the child-abuse she has endured by being forced to live in Europe for a few years, and thus we are relieved to know
that she is a completely normal 14-year old 9th-grader. This year she has had to endure such horrors
as being towed across a fjord on an inflatable raft by a speedboat at a beach
party, flying to Basel, Switzerland with her school choir and going to
summer camp at her beloved Teen Ranch Scotland. She goes to the International School of
Stavanger, sister school to where she went in Aberdeen, but with more girls her age in the
potential friends pool. She has really
gotten serious about learning the guitar this year and truth-be-told is
probably better than her dad already.
We’re really thankful for the good small (140) church here that has an
excellent youth program. Katherine has
been on a couple neat weekend retreats to Norwegian mountain ‘hyttes’ (huts)
and sings on the youth praise team.
the Wonderdog our German Shepherd has adapted to Norwegian life despite a
harrowing trip across the water. (Due to
a travel agent mix-up, we were stopped from boarding our flight here because
the kennel we were shipping him in was too large to fit in the cargo door of
the Boeing 737...that was a fun trip). I
know everyone has been scanning the papers expecting us to have won a few
Agility Championships by now, but sadly all my commuting really cut into our
training. Also, there’s not much of an
agility club here. So in the coming year
we’re going to try out the ‘Shaefferhund’ Klub which does some search &
rescue and scent tracking training.
RECAP PARAGRAPH: Overseas postings often
end earlier than expected and with little warning. We’re thankful for our time here and look on
it as a great blessing and likely the only chance in our lives we’ll have to
see and do many things, so we continue to travel like complete maniacs while
the clock ticks. I expect when we return
to North America we will all have sit at home for three years just to make up
for it all. In January we went to Paris and committed the
unspeakable sin of visiting EuroDisney and Paris on the same weekend. You can imagine how perturbed the French were
with us walking around the Louvre in our Mickey Mouse hats. You know one thing that’s really, really
weird, though? Walking around a Disney
venue while it is snowing and 30°F! I
mean, Disney…palm trees…Florida/SoCal….snow?
I’m sorry, it was just so wrong.
Anyway, all the touristy stuff in Paris
was neat and as a bonus no one spit on me for trying to use some of the French
I’ve picked up from living in Canada
for 15 years. Over the summer we made it
back to North America and got to see many of you in Denver,
Calgary and Saskatoon.
So you already know how thrilled I was to stop off in New
York and Boston (hey, they were on
the way) to see ballgames at Yankee Stadium and Fenway Park. I can die now. In October we took the Hurtigruten (Norwegian for ‘fast route’), a working ferry that
plies most of the Norwegian coastline, hauling people and supplies to the many
small towns on the fjords. We boarded in
Bergen and took 6 days to go all the way up the
coast to the Barents Sea, around the northern tip of Europe
as far as Kirkenes on the Russia/Norway border.
Fjords, glaciers and mountains and the chance to walk about small town Norway. It was also a chance for an unnamed member of
our family to spend time on HER knees in front of a toilet when we hit 20 foot
waves on the open ocean. At our
northernmost we were above 72 degrees latitude (middle of Greenland
for reference) and less than 1300 miles from the North Pole. Barb and I also spent a week in April driving
around the dramatic west and north coasts of Scotland,
including the Isle of Skye and Outer Hebrides.
One of the biggest
concerns above moving overseas is distance from family, especially if you are
really old, as we are, which means your parents are usually even older. Unfortunately in our two years here we have
twice lost parents and had to make emergency trips home. This March my mother, Joanne, who had had
life-long health problems, had a bad reaction to an arthritis drug and passed
away two weeks later at the age of 72.
As you can imagine, it wasn’t a lot of fun keeping up with her deterioration
in Denver, often from my office in Stavanger late at night and 8 time zones
away, not knowing if this was just another of many hospital stays in her life,
or something worse. And of course the
worst is the feeling of powerlessness to help.
I miss my mom, she was caring and compassion and tenderness to me. Two
things make it much easier – one is knowing that she is finally free from her
physical suffering and the other that I will see her again soon.
We don’t expect many of
you will just be passing through Scandinavia this year and have the chance to
drop by and say hello, but if you ever wanted to visit Norway, well
this is your chance. Our free guest
bedroom is your ticket to seeing Norway on the cheap! And you’ll find it’s worth every penny.
Love in Christ, and ‘Ha
det bra og vi snakkers,’
Gary, Barb, Katherine & ‘Chaco’ Paukert
Høgevollsveien 26A, 4327 Sandnes,
P.S. This year’s photo was taken a few blocks from
our house in Sandnes and looks pretty much like every other Christmas photo
we’ve ever sent you (except the kid is bigger again this year).